This is a one -day workshop exploring skying and will be largely experiential, with a combination of groupwork, pair work, sharing and listening, bodywork, feeling work, breath work and movement, promoting self-contact, and self-expression.
The workshop runs throughout the year regularly and is run when I have six people interested.
Tessa has 20 years’ experience as a Chinese medicine practitioner. She is a somatic bodyworker and is coming to the end of her Radix training in feeling and purpose, body psychotherapy, personal growth work. She is one of 5 trained in this way in the UK. She is experienced in holding groups that focus on feeling, embodiment, and aliveness of the human being.
A one-day workshop exploring what skying is in embodiment? Exploring what are the things that block and obscure our ability as a body to be buoyant and to rise and to vision different possibilities? What does the ability to sky allow for in our bodies and in our lives? What happens if we Sky and are not grounded? Is it the opposite of skying to ground? When does skying become not positive, less useful? What is the difference between skying that is embodied and skying that is not embodied? What happens when we can’t sky, what can that look like? What happens to our creativity, our choices, our aliveness, our ability to vision.
The embodiment of being able to Sky is less talked about. We may describe an experience of skying as other worldly, creative, fantastical, mystical, spiritual, to feel expanded into the more than you, to be able to vision and see possibilities and choices. Our ability to Sky depends on our ability to be embodied and how bounded or unbounded different parts of our body are. We may be familiar with some basic grounding tools. But how do we Sky? What happens in your body to allow for you to be able to Sky? How can we becoming more able to be conscious of when we do and when we don’t sky.
The workshop will be experiential and is for all those interested in learning about themselves and their own skying and offers ways that you can incorporate skying as an invitation in embodiment and choice for others. To work with embodiment and skying we need to have the choice about whether we go up or down.
I run a few different experiential1-day workshops throughout the year, looking at different aspects of being an embodied feeling, present human being, you can find the others workshops offered on my website.
As well as these one-day workshops, I offer more intensive personal growth work opportunities once or twice a year. A new group is forming, please contact me if you are interested.
I am looking forward to sharing this day with you. Please feel you can contact me to book a place or and to ask any questions that might facilitate your decision to participate.
With warmth Tessa